CCC remains ‘concerned’ about net zero targets following government U-turn


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The Climate Change Committee (CCC) has revealed that the government has failed to provide its staff with any assessment on estimates for the UK’s future emissions following the prime minister’s net zero policy u-turn.

This follows the CCC’s June annual report which highlighted that the UK was way off course to meet net zero, and was described as a “damning indictment” of the country’s environmental approach  by shadow net zero secretary Ed Miliband.

CCC Chair Professor Piers Forster said: “We remain concerned about the likelihood of future targets, especially the substantial policy gap to the UK’s 2030 goal. Around a fifth of the required emissions reductions to 2030 are covered by plans that we assess as insufficient.”

“Recent policy announcements were not accompanied by estimates of future emissions, nor evidence to back the government’s assurance that the UK’s targets will still be met.”

“We urge the government to adopt greater transparency in updating its analysis at any time of major announcements. Our position as a global leader on the climate has come under renewed scrutiny following the Prime Minister’s speech

“We urge the government to restate the strong British leadership on climate change in the crucial period before the next  climate summit, COP28 in Dubai.”

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Responding to the news, Greenpeace head of climate Mel Evans said: “We are never going to reach our climate targets by rowing back the policies to get us there, and this damning indictment from the Climate Change Committee shows us just how much Sunak’s rollback will cost ordinary people and damage the UK’s global reputation.”

“Cutting plans for home insulation and continuing our dependence on gas boilers will only ensure household bills remain at the mercy of volatile fossil fuel prices, whilst making sure big corporations and the oil and gas lobby win big.”

She added: “Boosting renewables, prioritising insulation and giving clear consistent policy signals on electric vehicles would help families across the country,  harness more private investment, and tackle the climate crisis”

“But instead Sunak has chosen to play politics with the climate, sow division and distract people from the real problems the country faces.”


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