Over 125 businesses including Ikea, BT Group and Nestlé are calling on the government to push for an end to the burning of fossil fuels at the upcoming Cop28.

Ikea, BT Group and Nestlé urge government to push for end to fossil fuels at Cop28

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Over 125 businesses including Ikea, BT Group and Nestlé are calling on the government to push for an end to the burning of fossil fuels at the upcoming Cop28.

Other businesses who signed an open letter to the government, which was organised by the We Mean Business Coallition, include Currys, Heineken, Diageo, eBay, Decathlon and Danone and more.

The businesses wrote: “We the undersigned companies representing $987 billion in global annual revenue, celebrate the exponential growth of solutions that have made clean energy cheaper and more accessible than ever before.”

“However, global emissions continue to rise because we haven’t addressed the primary cause of climate change: the burning of fossil fuels.”

In addition, they are calling on governments to set targets and timelines for the phase-out of fossil fuels in line with the Paris targets and are asking policymakers to commit to reaching a 100% decarbonised power system by 2035.

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They are also calling on the government to ensure clear pricing signals and reform and repurpose fossil fuel subsidies to be used to help increase energy efficiency.

The letter continues: “Leadership from policymakers, alongside coordinated actions from finance and fossil fuel producers, will enable us, as energy users, to develop and deploy the climate solutions of the net-zero economy.”

“We stand ready to support and work with you on the path away from fossil fuels, and toward healthier and more resilient communities, sustainable economic growth and shared prosperity.”

The news comes amid criticism of Cop28, after it emerged that PR executives from the UAE’s national oil firm Adnoc (Abu Dhabi national oil company) are working with the Cop28 in an effort to being positive publicity to the event.

Net zeroNews

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